Research article    |    Open Access
Acta Natura et Scientia 2021, Vol. 2(1) 76-85

Effect of Regional Differences on Fatty Acid Profiles of Ulva linza (Linnaeus 1753), Enteromorpha flexuosa (Agardh, 1883) and Taonia atomaria (Agardh, 1848)

Mısra Bakan, Büşra Peksezer, Nahit Soner Börekçi, Mehmet Tahir Alp & Deniz Ayas

pp. 76 - 85   |  DOI:

Publish Date: June 19, 2021  |   Single/Total View: 170/891   |   Single/Total Download: 270/2.119


Total fat and fatty acid levels of Ulva linza (Linnaeus 1753), Enteromorpha flexuosa (Agardh, 1883), and Taonia atomaria (Agardh, 1848) collected from Viranşehir, Taşkıran, and Karaduvar coasts were determined. The total oil level of the samples was found to be 1.31-1.91%, 1.23%, 7.78% for U. linza, E. flexuosa and T. atomaria, respectively. The dominant saturated fatty acids are palmitic acid and stearic acid. The highest level of palmitic acid (32.27%) was found in E. flexuosa in Viranşehir beach. The highest level of stearic acid was found on the coast of Viranşehir (7.20%), U. linza. The highest level of ΣSFA was found in the U. linza species on Taşkıran coast (37.89%), and the lowest level was determined in the T. atomaria species on the Taşkıran coast (18.13%). It is oleic acid that has a high level of monounsaturated fatty acids. The highest level of this fatty acid (10.35%) was found in E. flexuosa species in Viranşehir beach. The highest level of ΣMUFA was found in the Viranşehir coast (16.67%) and the lowest level (11.39%) in the U. linza on the Viranşehir beach. The highest level of linolelaidic acid in polyunsaturated fatty acids was found in E. flexuosa in Viranşehir beach (3.34%). The highest level of linoleic acid (4.85%) was found in U. linza on the coast of Viranşehir. The highest level of ΣPUFA was found in T. atomaria on the Taşkıran coast (16.56%), and the lowest level (7.03%) was found in U. linza.

Keywords: U. linza, E. flexuosa, T. atomaria, Lipids, Fatty acids

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APA 7th edition
Bakan, M., Peksezer, B., Borekci, N.S., Alp, M.T., & Ayas, D. (2021). Effect of Regional Differences on Fatty Acid Profiles of Ulva linza (Linnaeus 1753), Enteromorpha flexuosa (Agardh, 1883) and Taonia atomaria (Agardh, 1848). Acta Natura et Scientia, 2(1), 76-85.

Bakan, M., Peksezer, B., Borekci, N., Alp, M. and Ayas, D. (2021). Effect of Regional Differences on Fatty Acid Profiles of Ulva linza (Linnaeus 1753), Enteromorpha flexuosa (Agardh, 1883) and Taonia atomaria (Agardh, 1848). Acta Natura et Scientia, 2(1), pp. 76-85.

Chicago 16th edition
Bakan, Misra, Busra Peksezer, Nahit Soner Borekci, Mehmet Tahir Alp and Deniz Ayas (2021). "Effect of Regional Differences on Fatty Acid Profiles of Ulva linza (Linnaeus 1753), Enteromorpha flexuosa (Agardh, 1883) and Taonia atomaria (Agardh, 1848)". Acta Natura et Scientia 2 (1):76-85.

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