Review article    |    Open Access
Acta Natura et Scientia 2021, Vol. 2(2) 124-129

A Mini-Review on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Some Smoked Fish

Nuray Çiftçi & Deniz Ayas

pp. 124 - 129   |  DOI:

Publish Date: November 20, 2021  |   Single/Total View: 143/918   |   Single/Total Download: 205/1.884


The effects of sources that cause pollution in the environment in organisms can occur in different ways. The participation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), one of the pollutants caused by organic materials, into aquatic ecosystems by washing from the atmosphere and soil causes accumulation in aquatic ecosystems and is easily transported to the upper trophic zones through the food chain. Consumption of these products with high nutritional value poses a threat to human health. The processing of these products, which are widely consumed as fresh, with different processes is another way to remain under the influence of PAH. As it is known, PAHs are formed as a result of pyrolysis and prosynthesis of organic materials that are not sufficiently burned. In this sense, smoked products that are not produced under suitable conditions may carry a risk for the formation of PAH. In this study, the factors that cause PAH formation in smoked products and the appropriate processing processes developed to eliminate these factors were compiled.

Keywords: PAH, Smoked Fish, Formation, Toxicity, Prevention

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Ciftci, N., & Ayas, D. (2021). A Mini-Review on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Some Smoked Fish. Acta Natura et Scientia, 2(2), 124-129.

Ciftci, N. and Ayas, D. (2021). A Mini-Review on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Some Smoked Fish. Acta Natura et Scientia, 2(2), pp. 124-129.

Chicago 16th edition
Ciftci, Nuray and Deniz Ayas (2021). "A Mini-Review on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Some Smoked Fish". Acta Natura et Scientia 2 (2):124-129.

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