Acta Nat. Sci.   |  e-ISSN: 2718-0638

Original article | Acta Natura et Scientia 2023, Vol. 4(1) 27-46

Port Competitiveness Criteria for Transshipment Container Market: A Turkish Port Industry Application 

Sedat Baştuğ, Soner Esmer & Enes Eminoğlu

pp. 27 - 46   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2211-23-0003.R1

Published online: February 17, 2023  |   Number of Views: 77  |  Number of Download: 511


Since the 1970s when the hub and spoke system entered commercial life, it becomes a major distribution pattern in the transshipment container market. Many feeder ports feed the mega-ports with containers, they are not large by size, but they have great capacity of being flexible, agile, and close to the shippers in the local hinterland. Although it is not enough to continuously feed the maritime transportation system with different ships, this must be continuously fed by the maritime and hinterland connection. However, the connectivity of the ports is not the only criterion to have sustainable port competitiveness for terminals. There are other criteria to be identified and measured which one is important for terminal operators and users. Therefore, this study aims to determine the criteria to be followed by container terminals and to sort them in order of importance to have a sustainable competitive advantage in the transshipment container market. For this purpose, a comprehensive literature review and a quantitative research process were carried out with container line and container terminal operators, the importance levels of these criteria were defined by the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, which is a multi-criteria decision-making method. The study has not only defined competitive criteria for the transshipment market but also the opinions of both parties were compared. According to the results Port Infrastructure and Superstructure criterion is defined as the most important criterion for both parties.

Keywords: Container terminal, Line operator, Transshipment, Port selection, Business sustainability

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APA 6th edition
Bastug, S., Esmer, S. & Eminoglu, E. (2023). Port Competitiveness Criteria for Transshipment Container Market: A Turkish Port Industry Application  . Acta Natura et Scientia, 4(1), 27-46. doi: 10.29329/actanatsci.2023.353.04

Bastug, S., Esmer, S. and Eminoglu, E. (2023). Port Competitiveness Criteria for Transshipment Container Market: A Turkish Port Industry Application  . Acta Natura et Scientia, 4(1), pp. 27-46.

Chicago 16th edition
Bastug, Sedat, Soner Esmer and Enes Eminoglu (2023). "Port Competitiveness Criteria for Transshipment Container Market: A Turkish Port Industry Application  ". Acta Natura et Scientia 4 (1):27-46. doi:10.29329/actanatsci.2023.353.04.

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