Review article | Open Access
Acta Natura et Scientia 2023, Vol. 4(1) 58-67
pp. 58 - 67 | DOI:
Publish Date: May 29, 2023 | Single/Total View: 124/626 | Single/Total Download: 185/1.105
People should consume animal as well as plant products in terms of having a sufficient and balanced diet. Therefore, it depends on the production of adequate animal products, so that animals can be fed regularly. Due to this reason, the most important problem faced in animal husbandry in our country is the difficulties in providing adequate and quality roughage. The main sources of quality roughage for livestock animals are the fodder crops produced from cultivated fields as well as meadows and rangeland hay. In Türkiye, approximately 14.5% hay and 27.2% grain feed (concentrated feed) are produced in field areas. On the other hand, increasing population and rising income levels correlatedly increase the demand for animal products. However, currently, 41.7% of field areas are allocated for the production of animal feed (hay + grain feed), while food production for human beings is carried out in 55.6% of cultivated field areas. Therefore, it is very difficult to meet the increasing demand for roughage and concentrated feed of animals from existing agricultural areas. However, natural meadows-rangelands are the most important resources that can meet the roughage needs of animals without competing with food production areas. Therefore, meadows and rangelands should be protected, and shouldn’t be used for other purposes, low-yielding ones should be improved and should be used in accordance with management principles for sustainable production if it is desired to feed people regularly in the future.
Keywords: Forage crops, Meadow and rangeland, Forage production
APA 7th edition
Gokkus, A., & Coskun, E. (2023). Importance of Natural Meadows and Rangelands in the Future Prospective of Türkiye. Acta Natura et Scientia, 4(1), 58-67.
Gokkus, A. and Coskun, E. (2023). Importance of Natural Meadows and Rangelands in the Future Prospective of Türkiye. Acta Natura et Scientia, 4(1), pp. 58-67.
Chicago 16th edition
Gokkus, Ahmet and Ece Coskun (2023). "Importance of Natural Meadows and Rangelands in the Future Prospective of Türkiye". Acta Natura et Scientia 4 (1):58-67.