Research article    |    Open Access
Acta Natura et Scientia 2021, Vol. 2(2) 101-108

Effects of Temperature and Nitrogen Concentration on Growth and Lipid Accumulation of the Green Algae Chlorella vulgaris for Biodiesel

Şafak Seyhaneyıldız Can, Edis Koru, Semra Cirik, Gamze Turan, Hatice Tekoğul & Tuğba Subakan

pp. 101 - 108   |  DOI:

Publish Date: September 21, 2021  |   Single/Total View: 143/887   |   Single/Total Download: 196/1.933


This study investigated the effect of different temperatures and different nitrogen concentrations on the lipid content and biomass of Chlorella microalgae. In this study, algae were cultured in five media with different amounts NaNO_{3} as 3, 1.5, 0.80, 0.40 g/L, and three temperatures (10, 20, 30 °C). The results of the experiments showed that the optimal temperature and nitrogen concentration for the biomass increase in Chlorella vulgaris are 30°C and 3 g/L, respectively. It was observed that biomass decreased and lipid amount increased due to the decrease in nitrogen concentration. The high lipid amount of 20.80% dry weight (DW) was obtained from the algae produced at 30°C in the free-nitrate medium. The contribution of temperature change to lipid production was not as effective as nitrogen deficiency in the study. According to the fatty acid analysis results made by GC-FID, C. vulgaris seems suitable for biodiesel production because it contains medium-length (C16-C18) fatty acid chains.

Keywords: Chlorella vulgaris, Nitrogen starvation, Temperature, Lipids biodiesel

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APA 7th edition
Can, S.S., Koru, E., Cirik, S., Turan, G., Tekogul, H., & Subakan, T. (2021). Effects of Temperature and Nitrogen Concentration on Growth and Lipid Accumulation of the Green Algae Chlorella vulgaris for Biodiesel. Acta Natura et Scientia, 2(2), 101-108.

Can, S., Koru, E., Cirik, S., Turan, G., Tekogul, H. and Subakan, T. (2021). Effects of Temperature and Nitrogen Concentration on Growth and Lipid Accumulation of the Green Algae Chlorella vulgaris for Biodiesel. Acta Natura et Scientia, 2(2), pp. 101-108.

Chicago 16th edition
Can, Safak Seyhaneyildiz, Edis Koru, Semra Cirik, Gamze Turan, Hatice Tekogul and Tugba Subakan (2021). "Effects of Temperature and Nitrogen Concentration on Growth and Lipid Accumulation of the Green Algae Chlorella vulgaris for Biodiesel". Acta Natura et Scientia 2 (2):101-108.

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