Research article    |    Open Access
Acta Natura et Scientia 2021, Vol. 2(2) 118-123

Determination of Sexual Dimorphism in the Freshwater Blenny, Salaria fluviatilis (Asso, 1801), Distributed in Brackish Water Habitats

Sule Gurkan & Deniz Innal

pp. 118 - 123   |  DOI:

Publish Date: November 01, 2021  |   Single/Total View: 78/732   |   Single/Total Download: 100/1.722


The present study aimed to determine the presence of the sexual dimorphism based on the morphometric measurements in a total of 60 samples (♀: 26; ♂: 14, immature; 20) which were obtained in April 2017 from the population of Salaria fluviatilis which shows distribution in the brackish waters in the Karpuzçay Creek (Antalya, Turkey). As a result of the morphometric analysis performed in both sexes of samples, it has been determined that there were differences between body parts in terms of total length (TL), dorsal fin length (DFL), snout length, and eye diameters in the head area. Accordingly, it has been observed that the lengths of allometric growing body parts of males were greater than that of females. The properties of sexual dimorphism in the body parts of freshwater blenny cause significant differences between sexes in brackish water forms. The differences in male individuals such as TL and long DFL are important criteria for the selection of large male individuals for sexual selection in mating. It was thought that the increase in snout length and eye diameter in the head region gives males some advantages in various areas such as feeding performance from the habitat, male selection of females in mating, and swimming performance.

Keywords: Blennid species, Salaria fluviatilis, Dimorphic structure, Morphometric features, Phenotypic response

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APA 7th edition
Gurkan, S., & Innal, D. (2021). Determination of Sexual Dimorphism in the Freshwater Blenny, Salaria fluviatilis (Asso, 1801), Distributed in Brackish Water Habitats. Acta Natura et Scientia, 2(2), 118-123.

Gurkan, S. and Innal, D. (2021). Determination of Sexual Dimorphism in the Freshwater Blenny, Salaria fluviatilis (Asso, 1801), Distributed in Brackish Water Habitats. Acta Natura et Scientia, 2(2), pp. 118-123.

Chicago 16th edition
Gurkan, Sule and Deniz Innal (2021). "Determination of Sexual Dimorphism in the Freshwater Blenny, Salaria fluviatilis (Asso, 1801), Distributed in Brackish Water Habitats". Acta Natura et Scientia 2 (2):118-123.

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