Research article    |    Open Access
Acta Natura et Scientia 2021, Vol. 2(2) 130-140

ICCAT Inspections in Turkey and Turkey's National Legislation Compliance With the ICCAT Recommendations

Raziye Tanrıverdi

pp. 130 - 140   |  DOI:

Publish Date: November 20, 2021  |   Single/Total View: 91/738   |   Single/Total Download: 117/1.731


It was determined that bluefin tuna fishing within the scope of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) inspections was carried out in accordance with the 19-04 ICCAT Recommendation in Turkey. In the swordfish fishery, it was observed that the 16-05 ICCAT Recommendation was not completely compatible with Turkey's national legislation. In the 16-05 ICCAT Recommendation; the fishing gear was determined as the longline in swordfish fishery, the length of the pelagic longlines and the number of hooks were limited, the minimum weight limit was set on swordfish, and the transshipment operations at sea of swordfish was prohibited in the fishing season. However, these legal regulations were not available in Turkey's national legislation. The following issues could be evaluated as the reasons why these regulations were not included in Turkey's national legislation; the majority of the fishing vessels engaged in swordfish fishery in the seas of Turkey are less than 12 meters in total length, the fishing vessels of 12 meters in length or more can only use the first fishing gear, the length of pelagic swordfish longlines and the number of hooks used in Turkey are far below the regulations set forth in 16-05 ICCAT Recommendation, the caught swordfish are landed as a whole, and the majority of swordfish fishery vessels stay for a day or 2-3 days for fishing at sea. The ICCAT inspections in the swordfish fishery were carried out according to the 16-05 ICCAT Recommendation in Turkey. The necessary information and incentives should be provided for the fishing vessels of less than 12 m in length, which had obtained swordfish fishery permits, to use fuel without special consumption tax, in order to monitor them electronically via Vessel Tracking Module. In order to control the quota in swordfish fishery, it should be obligatory to use a paper logbook for fishing vessels less than 12 meters in length. In addition, an application can also be made to install a Vessel Monitoring System on fishing vessels less than 12 m that will catch swordfish.

Keywords: Audit institutions, Electronic monitoring tools, Control, Inspection, Recommendation

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APA 7th edition
Tanriverdi, R. (2021). ICCAT Inspections in Turkey and Turkey’s National Legislation Compliance With the ICCAT Recommendations. Acta Natura et Scientia, 2(2), 130-140.

Tanriverdi, R. (2021). ICCAT Inspections in Turkey and Turkey’s National Legislation Compliance With the ICCAT Recommendations. Acta Natura et Scientia, 2(2), pp. 130-140.

Chicago 16th edition
Tanriverdi, Raziye (2021). "ICCAT Inspections in Turkey and Turkey’s National Legislation Compliance With the ICCAT Recommendations". Acta Natura et Scientia 2 (2):130-140.

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