Research article    |    Open Access
Acta Natura et Scientia 2024, Vol. 5(2) 89-95

Proximate Evaluation and Consumer's Acceptability of Clarias gariepinus Cured With Citrus sinensis Extracts

Victoria Folakemi Akinjogunla & Nafisa Isah Shehu

pp. 89 - 95   |  DOI:

Publish Date: September 27, 2024  |   Single/Total View: 10/67   |   Single/Total Download: 13/80


The aggregate demand for seafood with minimal additives has increased over the years. Citrus sinensis is a common fruit that generates a lot of waste which needs to be put to beneficial use. The study investigated the acceptability of processed Clarias gariepinus after immersion in the extracts and their proximate compositions evaluated. The samples were immersed in C. sinensis peel extract and marinated with spices. These samples were used to prepare fresh catfish pepper-soup (CPS), smoked catfish using charcoal (SCC) and smoked catfish using gas (SCG) in the various forms they are widely accepted and requested for in the Northern of the Country. Samples from each batch were taken for proximate analysis. The sensory evaluation showed that SCG had better flavor, texture and general acceptability than the SCC and the CPS. The result of the proximate analyses of the samples showed that the moisture content of the SCC is lower (10.04%) than that of SCG (14.80%) while the crude protein (55.34%) and crude fiber (14.22%) of the SCC where higher than the contents found in SCG samples (52.80% and 13.29%). Therefore, it is concluded that SCG immersed in Citrus extract is a more acceptable variant than other processed samples in this study but the SCC retains more nutrients.

Keywords: Clarias gariepinus, Oven-dry, Pepper soup, Sensory evaluation, Smoke-dry

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APA 7th edition
Akinjogunla, V.F., & Shehu, N.I. (2024). Proximate Evaluation and Consumer’s Acceptability of Clarias gariepinus Cured With Citrus sinensis Extracts. Acta Natura et Scientia, 5(2), 89-95.

Akinjogunla, V. and Shehu, N. (2024). Proximate Evaluation and Consumer’s Acceptability of Clarias gariepinus Cured With Citrus sinensis Extracts. Acta Natura et Scientia, 5(2), pp. 89-95.

Chicago 16th edition
Akinjogunla, Victoria Folakemi and Nafisa Isah Shehu (2024). "Proximate Evaluation and Consumer’s Acceptability of Clarias gariepinus Cured With Citrus sinensis Extracts". Acta Natura et Scientia 5 (2):89-95.

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