Volume 5 Issue 2 (December 2024)
Original Articles Proximate Evaluation and Consumer’s Acceptability of Clarias gariepinus Cured With Citrus sinensis Extracts

Victoria Folakemi Akinjogunla & Nafisa Isah Shehu

pp. 89 - 95   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.61326/actanatsci.v5i2.274


The aggregate demand for seafood with minimal additives has increased over the years. Citrus sinensis is a common fruit that generates a lot of waste which needs to be put to beneficial use. The study investigated the acceptability of processed Clarias gariepinus after immersion in the extracts and their proximate compositions evaluated. The samples were immersed in C. sinensis peel extract and marinated with spices. These samples were used to prepare fresh catfish pepper-soup (CPS), smoked catfish using charcoal (SCC) and smoked catfish using gas (SCG) in the various forms they are widely accepted and requested for in the Northern of the Country. Samples from each batch were taken for proximate analysis. The sensory evaluation showed that SCG had better flavor, texture and general acceptability than the SCC and the CPS. The result of the proximate analyses of the samples showed that the moisture content of the SCC is lower (10.04%) than that of SCG (14.80%) while the crude protein (55.34%) and crude fiber (14.22%) of the SCC where higher than the contents found in SCG samples (52.80% and 13.29%). Therefore, it is concluded that SCG immersed in Citrus extract is a more acceptable variant than other processed samples in this study but the SCC retains more nutrients.

Keywords: Clarias gariepinus, Oven-dry, Pepper soup, Sensory evaluation, Smoke-dry

Short Communications Statistical Process Control Implementation in Inspection of Active Medicinal Compound Quality: A Model of First-Generation Antihistaminics

Mostafa Essam Eissa

pp. 96 - 105   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.61326/actanatsci.v5i2.291


This study is part of a large project that includes surveying and screening medicinal compounds manufactured by chemical and pharmaceutical plants, notably in Asian countries and exported to developing countries. The current investigation focused on the active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) of one of the first-generation antihistamines of ethanolamine class known as 2-(diphenylmethoxy)-N,N-dimethylethanamine hydrochloride according to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) nomenclature. Harmonization of the specifications and analysis criteria were harmonized and all raw materials were claimed to be complying with the British Pharmacopoeia (BP) according to the manufacturers. Accordingly, all testing procedures were done according to the official standard methods detailed in the monograph of the chemical molecule. The selected tests were acidity or alkalinity, related substances, loss on drying (LOD), sulfated ash and assay (based on dried substance). Datasets were gathered and processed using Statistical Process Control (SPC) software. Preliminary data examination was done using box plots and distribution identification for screening the best-fitting one. With the exception of the assay, all results showed a failure to follow specific dispersion. All raw data failed normality tests (Anderson-Darling test, P < 0.05). Accordingly, the output of the tests was adjusted to fit the application of the attribute charts. Laney modification was used to correct data dispersion. The correction factor acidity/alkalinity, impurity A, any other impurities, total impurities, LOD and sulphated ash were 1.003, 1,18568, 1.21158, 1.71165, 1.44613 and 0.883609, respectively. Control chart for normal data was used after Johnson transformation following equation 0.558 + 1.211 x Ln ((X – 98.929)/(101.13 – x)). It should be noted that even when there was no out-of-specification there were several out-of-control points that highlight the necessity for appropriate investigation and correction for assignable causes of variations between batches. There should be governmental enforcement of industrial SPC rules for the quality and safety of the supplied medicinal substances from the chemical manufacturing companies.

Keywords: Box plot, Control Chart, Distribution fitting, Johnson transformation, Statistical process control

Original Articles Investigation of Some Oat (Avena sativa L.) Genotypes in Terms of Grain Yield and Quality

Seda Alatürk & Tülay Tütenocaklı

pp. 106 - 118   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.61326/actanatsci.v5i2.280


This research was conducted to compare different agronomic characteristics of some oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes. The research was carried out in the trial fields of Trakya Agricultural Research Institute, located in Edirne, in 2018-2020. In the experiment, 15 oat genotypes along with 5 standard varieties namely; Kırklar, Kahraman, Küçükyayla, Yeniçeri and Sebat were used. The research plan was designed according to the Randomized Complete Block Design using three replications. In the study, thousand grain weight (TGW), hectolitre weight (HW), relative feed value (RFV), metabolic energy (ME), crude fibre (CF), crude ash (CA) and dry matter digestibility (DMD) characteristics were examined. As a result of this study, all the characteristic values of oat showed significant differences in terms of years except for; DMD. Additionally, all the examined traits showed significant differences in terms of genotypes. The average mean values of TGW, HW, RFV, ME, CF, CA and DMD of examined genotypes showed variation between 24.1-43.2 g, 50.1-62.6 kg/hl, 205.0-328.3, 2.56-2.76 Mcal/kg, 7.88-13.82%, 4.35-5.83% and 73.1-78.3%, respectively. Generally, genotypes 3 and 5 took the first place in terms of grain yield, whereas the genotypes 3, 4, 6, 10 and 11 in terms of grain nutritional values. Consequently, it is concluded that the genotypes 3, 4, 6, 10 and 11 have higher values in terms of the examined traits as compared to the rest genotypes. So, these genotypes would be more suitable for oat cultivation under similar ecological conditions with the expectation of satisfactory economic benefits.

Keywords: Oats (Avena sativa L.), 1000 grain weight, Crude ash, Crude fibre, Hectoliter weight

Short Communications Tracking Stability Using Shewhart Charts to Elucidate Trending Patterns in Glyceryl Guaiacolate Assay: Paving the Way for Quality Improvement in Medicinal Chemical Industry

Mostafa Eissa

pp. 119 - 124   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.61326/actanatsci.v5i2.314


Shewhart charts are a crucial part of statistical process control, or SPC, which tracks and regulates the pharmaceutical compound’s inspection properties. It serves to shed light on the process’s present state and, if necessary, the future improvements that will be needed. The trending pattern for the glyceryl guaiacolate assay is the main subject of this investigation. SPC software is used in this work. Following the selection of the most appropriate underlying distribution, Individual-Moving Range (I-MR) charts are used as a trending method for the data. Since some batches in the time series sequence show indications of out-of-control points, improvements are needed to enhance the quality of inspection attributes. Accordingly, capability analysis will not be relied on at this stage till the stabilization of the process. This study highlights the vital role of control charts in ensuring the quality of chemical materials. It contributes to building a robust industrial regulatory system by analyzing the quality of medicinal compounds from chemical manufacturers, especially in developing countries.

Keywords: Control chart, Glyceryl guaiacolate, SPC, Out-of-control, Capability analysis

Original Articles Verim ve Kalite Özellikleri Bakımından Danelik Hibrit Mısır Çeşitleri Arasındaki Farklılıkların İncelenmesi

Abdullah Nas, İsmail Karakaş & Fatma Aykut Tonk

pp. 125 - 135   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.61326/actanatsci.v5i2.286


Bu çalışma farklı danelik hibrit mısır çeşitlerinin verim ve verim parametreleri ile kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla 2022 yılında ana ürün olarak Balıkesir/Altıeylül ilçesi Ovaköy ekolojik koşullarında yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada bitki materyali olarak toplam on farklı danelik hibrit mısır çeşidi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre üç tekerrürlü olarak kurulmuştur. Araştırmada incelenen verim ve verim özelliklerinden; bitki boyu 2,37-2,99 m, bitki sap kalınlığı 20,93-24,47 mm, koçan uzunluğu 16,56-21,57 cm, koçan çapı 4,77-5,29 cm, tane koçan oranı %0,86-0,95, koçanda tane sayısı 527,67-746,65 adet, tane verimi 193,33-284,41 g/bitki, bin tane ağırlığı 362,00-468,67 g arasında değişim göstermiştir. Araştırmada kalite özellikleri; tane nemi %20,73-24,33, tane nişasta oranı %67,84-71,46, hektolitre ağırlığı 73,60-76,33 kg, kül değeri %1,04-1,22, protein oranı %8,25-9,25 selüloz oranı %2,15-2,28, yağ oranı %2,20-2,67 arasında değişmiştir. Araştırmada incelenen çeşitler arasında özellikle DKC 6980 ve SY Bambus isimli çeşitler tane verimi, koçan uzunluğu, koçan çapı, koçanda tane sayısı, hektolitre ağırlığı ve protein oranı özelliği bakımından ön plana çıkmışlardır.

Keywords: Mısır, Danelik hibrit mısır, Verim, Verim parametreleri, Kalite özellikleri

Original Articles Determining Growth Drivers in Container Shipping: A Causality Analysis Between Container Throughput and Liner Shipping Connectivity

Alaattin Durmaz & Abdullah Açık

pp. 136 - 149   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.61326/actanatsci.v5i2.287


Container transportation, facilitated by the development of standardized containers, has revolutionized global trade by increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing the competitive power of countries. The Liner Shipping Connectivity Index (LSCI) plays a crucial role in measuring the supply side of container transportation, influencing strategic decisions regarding infrastructure investments and policy development to boost global trade integration. Our study aimed to determine whether container throughput drives LSCI or vice versa, using panel data analysis to inform strategic decisions in maritime trade, investment priorities, and policy development. We conduct our analysis using a unique data set covers the years between 2008 and 2021 and consists of 85 countries and 1190 observations. The results obtained revealed that there is a two-way interaction between Container Throughput and LSCI variables, the effects of the variables are positive and reflected after 1 period, and the impact of changes in LSCI on Container Throughput is higher than the opposite situation. This shows that there is a positive feedback loop between the variables and that improvement in any one of them returns as improvement to itself after a certain period.

Keywords: Container shipping, Feedback loop, Panel causality

Original Articles Comparative Analysis of Nutritional Values of Fishmeals Produced From Whole Anchovy and Sprat and Farmed Salmon Viscera in the Black Sea Region

Barış Bayraklı & Sezgin Yıldız

pp. 150 - 159   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.61326/actanatsci.v5i2.299


Fishmeal is a nutrient-rich feed ingredient that is commonly used in commercial feed formulations for many species, primarily in the global aquaculture and pet food sectors. This study investigates the nutritional composition of fishmeals derived from whole anchovy, sprat, and salmon viscera, produced in Turkey during the 2023-2024 fishing season. A total of 91 samples were analyzed using a Bruker-type MPA brand spectrophotometer to determine crude protein, crude fat, moisture, and crude ash content. The carbohydrate content was calculated by difference, and energy content was derived using established conversion factors. Anchovy meal exhibited the highest crude protein content at 73.55%, followed by sprat meal at 70.08%, and salmon viscera meal at 63.58%. In terms of crude fat, salmon viscera meal had the highest concentration at 11.76%, compared to anchovy meal at 10.33% and sprat meal at 9.92%. Moisture content was highest in salmon viscera meal (10.45%), while anchovy and sprat meals had lower moisture levels of 6.53% and 7.15%, respectively. The crude ash content was also highest in salmon viscera meal at 11.96%. Carbohydrate content was most pronounced in sprat meal at 3.77%, with salmon viscera and anchovy meals containing 3.32% and 1.52%, respectively. Energy content was highest in anchovy meal at 393.26 kcal/100g. These findings highlight the distinct nutritional profiles of the fishmeals studied, allowing for the identification of the most suitable option for aquaculture nutrition. Specifically, anchovy meal emerges as the best choice due to its high protein content and energy efficiency.

Keywords: Fishmeal, Anchovy meal, Sprat meal, Salmon viscera meal, Nutritional composition, Black Sea

Original Articles Comparative Assessment on the Growth Performance of the African Catfish, Clarias gariepinus Fingerlings Fed Two Commercial Feeds in Nigeria

Emmanuel A Essien, Aniefiokmkpong O Okon, Enenwan P. Udoinyang, Kenneth Abasubong & Victoria Folakemi Akinjogunla

pp. 160 - 167   |  DOI: https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.61326/actanatsci.v5i2.324


Catfish is a sufficiently rich protein source in man’s meals. However, the operational activities, costs of managements and fish production have caused famers to leave the industry. Therefore, this study is aimed at assessing the growth performance of the African Catfish; Clarias gariepinus fingerlings fed two commercial feeds. Eighty randomly selected African sharp-tooth catfish (C. gariepinus) fingerlings of 2.25±0.24 g (mean body weight) were fed two different commercial feeds for 10 weeks to compare their growth performance. The feeds were Coppens (Treatment 1) and Vitafeed (Treatment 2). A completely randomized design and plastic aquaria with dimensions of (40×40×50) cm3 were used for the experiment. The fingerlings were fed 5% of their body weight twice daily after seven days acclimatization before commencement of feeding trial. The fish were designed in duplicate of 20 fish per tank. Collected data from each parameter were subjected to a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and 5% level of significance (p<0.05) mean of various results were compared. The growth parameters considered and physicochemical parameters measured and monitored and maintained at optimal levels respectively. The results obtained showed that fishes fed Coppens performed better in final body weight (53.10±1.37) while Vitafeed recorded (38.10±0.94g). Coppens showed better performance in all growth parameters with 100% survival rate. pH, temperature, and dissolved oxygen showed no significant difference (p<0.05) among treatments. They were maintained at of 6.3–6.5, 27.55–28.70°C and 6.5–6.9 mg\l, respectively, which were within the recommended physiochemical parameter ranges for proper fish growth. It is concluded that, although fish fed with Coppens recorded overall best performance, Vitafeed is equally recommendable since there was no significant difference in the overall growth performance. However, based on affordability Vitafeed is more favoured for farmers in order to ensure better returns on investment.

Keywords: Comparative assessment, Growth performance, Clarias gariepinus fingerlings, commercial fish feeds, Nigeria

Original Articles Türkiye’nin Eklem Bacaklı ve Yumuşakça Üretiminin Tahmini

Hülya Eminçe Saygı & Sefa Acarlı

pp. 168 - 179   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.61326/actanatsci.v5i2.283


Bu çalışmada Türkiye’nin eklem bacaklı ve yumuşakça üretiminin otoregresif bütünleşik hareketli ortalama (ARIMA) yöntemi ile geleceğe yönelik tahmin modeli geliştirilmiştir. Eklem bacaklı ve yumuşakça üretim miktarının tahmininde uygun modelin belirlenmesi için ARIMA modelinin seçiminde performans ölçüm kriterleri olarak kök ortalama kare hatası (RMSE), ortalama mutlak hata (MAE) ve ortalama mutlak yüzde hata (MAPE), Theil’in U değeri kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak bu seçim kriterlerinin seriye en iyi uyan modellerin toplam çift kabuklular üretimi için ARIMA (1,0,1) iken kafadan bacaklılar, karından bacaklılar, toplam yumuşakça üretimi, toplam eklem bacaklı üretimi ve genel toplam (yumuşakça + eklem bacaklılar) üretimi için ise ARIMA (1,0,0) olduğu belirlenmiştir. ARIMA (1,0,0) modeli sonuçlarına göre 2030 yılında toplam yumuşakça ve eklem bacaklı üretimi için üretim miktarında azalış eğilimi öngörülmektedir. Kafadan bacaklı üretiminde ise artış eğilimi tahmin edilmektedir. Dolayısıyla, geleceğe yönelik yapılan modelleme çalışmalarında daha yüksek doğrulukta sonuçlar elde edilebilmesi adına seçilecek veri setinin daha odaklanmış şekilde seçilmesi yararlı olacaktır. İklim değişikliği, müsilaj, kaçak avcılığa bağlı olarak stok yönetimindeki düzensizlikler, istilacı türlerin girişi, hastalıklar, yasal düzenlemeler ve balıkçılık yönetimi politikaları gibi çeşitli faktörler bu türlerin üretim miktarı üzerinde doğrudan etkilidir. Bu nedenle, yumuşakça ve eklem bacaklı türlerinin üretiminin sürdürülebilirliğinin sağlanabilmesi için uygun politikalar planlanmalıdır. Sonraki çalışmalarda balıkçılık yöneticileri ve karar vericiler için gelecekteki üretim miktarlarının tahmin edilmesinde üretimi tetikleyen bu faktörlerin de dikkate alınması yapılacak tahminlerin doğruluğunu artıracaktır.

Keywords: Kafadan bacaklı, Karından bacaklı, Çift kabuklu, Üretim, ARIMA