Issue Information Issue Full File (2020, Volume 1, Issue 1)
pp. i - vi | DOI: Abstract 2020-Volume 1, Issue 1 Issue Full File Cover, Editorial Board, Indexing, Table of Contents Keywords: | |
Original Articles Some Deep-Sea Cephalopods from the Northeastern Mediterranean Sea (Mersin Bay, Turkey)
Nuray Çiftçi, Moez Shaiek & Deniz Ayas pp. 1 - 5 | DOI: Abstract Deep-sea sampling was conducted by a commercial trawl in the International Waters of Mersin Bay between 14 and 17 May 2018. The sampling depth ranged between 274 and 641 meters. A total of 13 trawling operations were performed, and each trawling operation lasted approximately 4 hours. During the sampling, six of the deep-sea cephalopods species were caught. All specimens were preserved in ethyl alcohol and were deposited in the Museum of the Systematic, Faculty of Fisheries, Mersin University (Catalog no: MEUCC-18-11-2- MEUCC-18-11-7). A total of two cuttlefish species belonging to the families of Sepiidae were identified. The others were represented by the families of Sepiolidae, Octopodidae, Bathypolypodidae, and Ommastrephidae. Keywords: Deep-sea, Cephalopods, International Waters, Mersin Bay, Turkey | |
Original Articles Determination of Protein and Fat Amounts in Dried Apple and Pear Chips
Okan Erken, Bayram Kızılkaya, Aytaç Altın & Hakan Ayyıldız pp. 6 - 11 | DOI: Abstract Nowadays, it is known that many vegetables and fruits can be obtained longer-lasting products with drying methods. Therefore, dried fruits are offered for consumption in Turkey. In the present study, it was investigated fat and protein contents on dried apple and pear chips. According to the results, the amount of fat and apple chips was determined as 0.3% and 0.2%, respectively. On the other hand, the protein amount of apple and pear chips was found to be 3.84% and 3.58%, respectively. Consequently, it can be said that dried fruits can be consumed as a dietary food in terms of a low amount of fat and consumable protein. Keywords: Apple chips, Pear chips, Protein, Fat | |
Original Articles Seasonal Changes in the Lipid and Fatty Acid Profile of Pomadasys stridens (Forsskål, 1775) Caught from Mersin Bay
Mısra Bakan, Nuray Çiftçi & Deniz Ayas pp. 12 - 23 | DOI: Abstract The seasonal changes in the total lipid and fatty acid profile of Pomadasys stridens, which were caught from Mersin Bay, were examined. Total lipid changes were found as 4.09%, 7.54%, 2.56%, and 1.81% in spring, summer, autumn, and winter seasons, respectively. A total of 30 fatty acids were defined in the muscle tissue by GC analysis. Among these, the major fatty acids are saturated fatty acids such as (SFA) palmitic acid (C16:0) and stearic acid (C18:0), monounsaturated fatty acids as oleic acid (C18:1n9c) and 11-docosenoic acid (C22:1n11), and polyunsaturated fatty acids as eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5n3), and docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6n3). Palmitic acid and stearic acid varied in the range of 16.92-22.74%, and 8.06-13.86%; and they were found at the level of 297.82-1567.14 mg/100g and 182.49-555.46 mg/100g, respectively. Oleic acid and 11-docosenoic acid varied in the range11.54-21.32% and 2.99-4.98%, and they were determined to range 251.20-1436.89 mg/100g and 72.56-206.06 mg/100g, respectively. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) varied in the range of 3.58-5.45% and 5.57-13.42%; the levels of EPA and DHA were found 55.27-324.59 mg/100g and 153.12-492.90 mg/100g, respectively. TheΣn3, Σn6, Σn9 fatty acid levels of P. stridens changed between 10.65-19.41%, 3.45-4.50%, 12.59-22.72%; and they were found 233.75-733.95 mg/100g, 68.40-237.76 mg/100g, 271.12-1531.99 mg/100g respectively. The change intervals of the atherogenicity index (Ai) and thrombogenicity index (Ti) levels during the year were determined as 0.32-0.42% and 0.39-0.51%, respectively. Keywords: Mersin Bay, Pomadasys stridens, Lipid, Fatty acids | |
Original Articles The Effect of Different Ground Materials on the Survival Rate of Tubifex tubifex (Müller, 1774) under Light/Dark Photoperiod Conditions and Mineral Matter Composition
Pınar Çelik pp. 24 - 35 | DOI: Abstract In this study, two experimental studies were conducted with Tubifex tubifex, which was adapted to laboratory conditions after being collected from nature. In the first experiment, the effect of some ground materials that can be used in controlled breeding conditions on the survival rates of T. tubifex was investigated. For this purpose, 7 different ground materials (trout mud, grain, vegetables, fish offal, cow liver, cow dung, and sand) were used. Initially, 20 T. tubifex were stocked for each repetition of the experimental groups consisting of these materials. At the end of the 45-day experiment, the number of alive individuals in the groups was compared. At the end of the experiment, alive individuals were observed in 3 groups including trout mud, cow dung, and sand. In the second experiment, the mineral substance compositions of living T. tubifex samples collected from nature were compared with the mineral substance compositions of alive individuals kept at different water temperatures (14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28ºC) for 90 days. In terms of magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, and zinc, statistically differences were found between the values measured at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. At the beginning of the experiment, while magnesium values tended to decrease in some groups, it increased in other groups. At the end of the experiment, it was determined that the potassium level was lower in all groups. At the end of the experiment, it was observed that the iron, copper, and zinc values were much higher than the values at the beginning of the experiment. Keywords: Tubifex tubifex, Aquaculture, Ground material, Mineral composition | |
Original Articles First Report of Albinism in Turkish Crayfish Pontastacus leptodactylus (Eschscholtz, 1823) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Astacidae)
Semih Kale, Selçuk Berber, Deniz Acarlı, Tekin Demirkıran, Pervin Vural, Sefa Acarlı, Bayram Kızılkaya & Evren Tan pp. 36 - 42 | DOI: Abstract A female albino crayfish Pontastacus leptodactylus (Eschscholtz, 1823) was captured from Atikhisar Reservoir in Çanakkale, Turkey on July 18, 2020. The albino crayfish is lacked melanin that is normally found on normal crayfish. The compound eyes of the albino crayfish were black as in normal crayfish. Morphometric characteristics were measured and the total length was 101.98 mm, carapace length was 50.04 mm, carapace width was 26.56 mm and weight was 35.90 g. Albinism is a widespread disorder in the animal kingdom and is triggered by the absence of melanin in the skin, eyes, or hair. Investigation on albinism has commonly focused on mice and humans. Therefore, there is restricted research on albino crayfish. In the present paper, the occurrence of albinism in crayfish is firstly reported from Atikhisar Reservoir in Çanakkale, Turkey. Therefore, this paper significantly contributes to the scientific literature by providing the first knowledge on the presence of albino crayfish in the Atikhisar Reservoir, Çanakkale, Turkey. Keywords: Albino, Pigmentation, Color anomaly, Crayfish, Pontastacus leptodactylus, Atikhisar, Çanakkale, Turkey | |
Original Articles Seafood Consumption Preferences of University Student and Factors Affecting Preferences: The Case of Mersin University
Musavver Alageyik, Nuray Çiftçi & Deniz Ayas pp. 43 - 55 | DOI: Abstract The aim of this study was to determine the preferences of students attending Mersin University's Çiftlikköy and Yenişehir campuses for seafood consumption preference and to what extent these preferences are related to demographic characteristics such as gender, age, income level and type of program they study. Data were obtained by random sampling method in April, May and June of 2018 on a questionnaire form based on face-to-face interviews with 550 students from different programs. Of the 550 students surveyed, 53.8% were female, 46.2% were male, 70% were between 18-23 years, 23% were between 24-28 years, 4% were 33 and over, 3% were 29-33 age group. 74% of the students participating in the survey are undergraduate, 15% are associate degree, 9% graduate, 2% continue their doctoral education. The majority of the students stated that they live with 33% of their families. 32% stated that they stayed in dormitories, 26% in dormitories and 9% in other (their own) places. The results of the survey show that students prefer 46% poultry meat, 39% red meat, 8% fish, 1% other fish products and 6% do not prefer any type of meat. The majority of the students (80%) stated that they had knowledge about the importance of fish consumption and 16% did not have any knowledge. The most common anchor, 19% sea bass, 17% sea bream, 11% trout, 8% sardine, 5% red mullet, 3% silver, 2% mullet and 7% other fish, respectively it is consumed. While students consume 89% fresh seafood, they consume 4% canned food, 2% frozen, 1% salted and brine and 3% other forms. While 44% of the students prefer frying as a cooking method, 27% prefer grilling, 20% prefer oven, and 3% prefer steaming. According to the highest rate of fish consumption, respectively; 37% once a month, 20% once every fifteen days, 17% once or twice a year, 12% never consumed any fish, 3% once a week, 1% more than once a week. Keywords: Seafood, Consumer preferences, Mersin University, Chi Squared test | |
Original Articles Investigation of the Effect of Lead Adsorption on Surface Modified Fish Bones
Bayram Kızılkaya & Evren Tan pp. 56 - 60 | DOI: Abstract This study investigates lead (Pb) elimination of surface modified fish bones as a biogenic apatite source. Surface modification was performed with 4-Aminohippuric acid (MBA1) and 2-Thiophenecarboxaldehyde (MBA2). In this study, different methods were used for surface modification. Apart from that, lead elimination was performed by the method of adsorption in aqueous solution. It is detected that both of the modified materials eliminate as 7.16 mg/g in 50 mgL-1 lead solution. It was determined that MBA1 and MBA2 materials removed 99.9% of the lead in solution. In conclusion, it is seen that waste fish bones, which are regarded as worthless, can be applied to the chemical modifications and they can be transformed into useful materials. It is possible to say that transforming them into economic, efficient, qualified and useful materials can contribute environment. Keywords: Surface modification, Fish bone, Apatite, Lead | |
Original Articles The Northernmost Confirmation of the Occurrence of Parrotfish (Sparisoma cretense Linnaeus, 1758) in the Eastern Mediterranean With Its First Record From Saros Bay (Northern Aegean Sea, Turkey)
Özgür Cengiz & Şenol Paruğ pp. 61 - 68 | DOI: Abstract An ongoing warming trend is obviously proof in both the surface and deep waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The increasing seawater temperature renders this sea more receptive to invasion by thermophilic species and affects marine species and ecosystems. In this connection, a single specimen of Sparisoma cretense was caught on 20 September 2013 off the İbrice Bight at approximately 40°36’07.8”N 26°32’44.3”E (Saros Bay, Northern Aegean Sea, Turkey). This paper presents the first record of S. cretense in the Saros Bay (Northern Aegean Sea, Turkey), which is the northernmost confirmed occurrence of the parrotfish for the Eastern Mediterranean. Keywords: Occurrence, Parrotfish, Sparisoma cretense, Saros Bay, Northern Aegean Sea, Turkey | |
Original Articles Determination of Artificial Incubation Time of Some Malawi Cichlid Species Incubating in the Mouth (Iodotropheus sprengerae, Cyrtocara moorii, Maylandia estherae, Labidochromis caeruleus) Eggs
Pınar Çelik & Bahadır Rıfat Yalçın pp. 69 - 81 | DOI: Abstract Malawi cichlid species belonging to the Cichlidae family are among the most popular commercial species in the aquarium industry. Females of this species begin to incubate their eggs in the mouth after ovulation. Professional producers continue to induce vomiting of the eggs from the female's mouth at many different times and grow them with artificial incubation. The aim of this study is to determine the most appropriate time to induce vomiting and artificial incubation of eggs of these species. For this purpose, rusty cichlid (Iodotropheus sprengerae), blue dolphin cichlid (Cyrtocara moorii), red zebra cichlid (Maylandia estherae) and electric yellow cichlid (Labidochromis caeruleus) were produced in colonies. The development of eggs and larvae obtained from broodstocks were observed. Critical times for cichlid culture have been determined. While electric yellow cichlid (L. caeruleus) completed its embryonic development on the 3rd day after ovulation, blue dolphin cichlid (C. moorii) and red zebra cichlid (M. estherae) species completed on the 4th day, rusty cichlid (I. sprengerae) completed on the 5th day. Therefore, the results of the present study revealed that it is not appropriate to apply the same incubation technique to all these species.
Keywords: Ornamental fish, Cichlidae, Malawi cichlid species, Hatching | |
Original Articles Meat yield and length-weight relationship of freshwater crayfish (Pontastacus leptodactylus (Eschscholtz, 1823)) population in nine different inland water resources in Turkey
Selçuk Berber, Süleyman Akhan, Yusuf Bektaş & Gökhan Kalaycı pp. 82 - 95 | DOI: Abstract In this research, length-weight relationships and meat yields of freshwater crayfish (Pontastacus leptodactylus) were investigated in Apolyont Lake, İznik Lake, Manyas Lake, Terkos Lake, Küçükçekmece Lake, Sera Lake, Çıldır Lake, Ulugöl Lake and Eğirdir Lake between July and September 2010. For this purpose, 698 individuals were sampled from nine different inland water resources in Turkey. a total of 62 individuals (34♀♀-28♂♂) from Apolyont Lake, 103 individuals (45♀♀-58♂♂) from İznik Lake, 129 individuals (85♀♀- 44♂♂) from Manyas Lake, 156 individuals (89♀♀-67♂♂) from Terkos Lake and 63 individuals (41♀♀-22♂♂) from Küçükçekmece Lake, 44 individuals (24♀♀-20♂♂) from Sera Lake, 34 individuals (13♀♀-21♂♂) from Çıldır Lake, 59 individuals (16♀♀-43♂♂) from Ulugöl Lake, and 48 individuals (25♀♀-23♂♂) from Eğirdir Lake were sampled during the field studies. For female individuals, the highest mean values for both carapace length and total weight were found in Manyas Lake as 52.34 mm, 34.16 g, respectively. For male individuals, the highest values for carapace length was found in Çıldır Lake as 61.34 mm, and the highest values for total weight was found in Apolyont Lake as 43.25 g. The results of the regression analyses indicated that allometric growth was found for both male and female individuals caught from Çıldır Lake, Sera Lake, Ulugöl Lake, and Eğirdir Lake. In addition, negative allometric growth was found for both male and female individuals caught from Manyas Lake, Terkos Lake and Küçükçekmece Lake, while positive allometric growth was found for male individuals caught from Apolyont Lake and İznik Lake and with regard to the carapace length-total weight relationship. For female specimens, the highest value for total meat yield was found in İznik Lake (19.76%) and the highest value for abdominal meat yield was found in Apolyont Lake (16.08%). Moreover, the highest values for both total meat yield and abdomen meat yield of male specimens were found in Sera Lake as 20.43% and 14.28%, respectively. Keywords: Meat yield, Growth, Length-weight relationship | |
Original Articles The Maximum Length Record of the White Seabream (Diplodus sargus Linnaeus, 1758) for the Aegean Sea
Şenol Paruğ & Özgür Cengiz pp. 96 - 108 | DOI: Abstract A single specimen of Diplodus sargus with 40.5 cm in total length and 1000.00 g in total weight was caught off İbrice Bight (Saros Bay) with handline by a commercial fisherman on 25 June 2018. The mentioned sizes are the maximum length and weight values of the species for the Aegean Sea and the other Turkish coasts; however, it is the second-largest length ever reported in the Mediterranean Basin. Keywords: Diplodus sargus; White seabream; Maximum length, Saros Bay, Aegean Sea | |
Original Articles Mass Mortality Report of Critically Endangered Fan Mussel (Pinna nobilis, Linnaeus 1758) from Cunda Island, Ayvalık (Aegean Sea, Turkey)
Deniz Acarlı, Sefa Acarlı & Ahmet Öktener pp. 109 - 117 | DOI: Abstract Fan mussel Pinna nobilis (Linnaeus, 1758) species has been critically endangered in the Mediterranean Sea because of Haplosporidium pinnae. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the current status of the fan mussel populations at three station (Patriça Beach, Bıyıklı Beach and Çataltepe Beach) in Cunda Island Ayvalık, Aegean Sea. Underwater observation carried out on July 2020. Mass mortality (100%) was observed at all station during the study. Length of fan mussel was ranged between 39.8 cm and 79.8 cm and no individuals were in small sized. Keywords: Pinna nobilis, critically endangered, mass mortality, length, Cunda Island, Aegean Sea |