Format-free Submission Policy

Acta Natura et Scientia puts the science first then later formatting by format-free submission policy.

Acta Natura et Scientia is focusing on the quality and the importance of science in the manuscript submission stage. Therefore, time-consuming and frustrating formatting and technical requirements are not applied at Acta Natura et Scientia to make simpler the processes of manuscript preparing and submitting to the journal and to provide a rapid publication of the papers. The only essential document is requested for maintaining a double-blind peer-review process.

Authors can submit the manuscript (including the main text, figures, and tables) in a single document file (doc, docx). This main document can be format-free. There is no restriction on the formatting, however, all manuscripts must include the essential parts (Title Page including information of authors, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References, Conflict of Interest, Ethical Statements, Tables and Figures with Captions) of a scientific paper that necessary for making an effective assessment of the manuscript.

Authors can use any format or style for References. Please make sure all references are correct and complete to find the relevant cited papers. Thus, all references must include:

  • Author(s) name(s),
  • publication year,
  • title of article/chapter,
  • title of journal/book,
  • volume & issue,
  • pages,
  • The authors are recommended to provide the DOI numbers of references.

If a paper is accepted for publication in the journal, the corresponding author will receive an email to complete a copyright license agreement on behalf of all authors of the paper. The reference formatting will be applied to the accepted papers by the journal editorial/publishing office at the final proof stage. Authors may be requested to provide the required items (high-quality figures, editable source files, etc.) necessary for the publication.

If your paper is rejected, kindly think about that you have not spent your valuable time for preparing and formatting the submission. You saved more time for your researches by format-free submission policy of Acta Natura et Scientia.


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