Original article    |    Open Access
Acta Natura et Scientia 2022, Vol. 3(2) 214-225

Characterization of Fisheries Violations From the Türkiye’s Mediterranean Coasts Within the Scope of Fisheries Law No. 1380

Huseyın Barıs Kaya & Mehmet Fatih Can

pp. 214 - 225   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/actanatsci.2022.352.12

Publish Date: December 22, 2022  |   Single/Total View: 76/634   |   Single/Total Download: 126/1.177


In this study, fisheries violations within the scope of the Turkish Fisheries Law No. 1380 were characterized for the Mediterranean Coasts of Türkiye. For this purpose, by taking into account the frequency and amount of the fines, the patterns of violations in terms of fishing gear, region, season, region-season and fishing gear-season by regions interactions were determined. Data were derived from the Turkish Coast Guard Command’ fisheries surveillance activities during 2014 for areas between coordinates of (36°00’00” N-29°00’00” E) and (36°00’00” N-35°45’00” E). A total of 491 violations against the Fisheries Law No. 1380 were considered. It was determined that the most violations were made by angling (23.22%) and the least by drift nets (0.4%). According to penalties amounts for the 2014, a total of $298,817 administrative fines were imposed. Trawl violations accounted for the highest total administrative fines (48.38%), while the lowest total administrative fines (0.17%) were for violations with drift nets. While the most violations were detected in Antalya region, the highest administrative fine was applied in Adana-Mersin region. According to seasons, there was a decrease in fisheries violations due to closed season measurement for fishing during summer. In terms of administrative fines, the season-region interaction was experienced the most in Adana-Mersin region during winter, and the least in Hatay-Adana region during summer. In season-region interaction, the most violations were observed in Antalya region in spring, while the least in summer in Hatay-Adana region. In interaction related to fishing gear-season by regions, it was determined that the highest number of violations and administrative fines occurred in winter during angling in Adana-Mersin region and in autumn during purse seine fishing in Hatay-Adana region. As a result, in short term, these findings could assist decision-making mechanisms for the effectiveness and efficiency of MCS (Monitoring, Control and Surveillance) system, which is an important part of fisheries management regime. In long term, these findings could also be used in a regional Decision Support System for fishery management with integrating with other elements of fisheries management regime.

Keywords: Mediterranean Sea, Fisheries law, Illegal fishing, Fisheries violations, Surveillance

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Kaya, H.B., & Can, M.F. (2022). Characterization of Fisheries Violations From the Türkiye’s Mediterranean Coasts Within the Scope of Fisheries Law No. 1380. Acta Natura et Scientia, 3(2), 214-225. https://doi.org/10.29329/actanatsci.2022.352.12

Kaya, H. and Can, M. (2022). Characterization of Fisheries Violations From the Türkiye’s Mediterranean Coasts Within the Scope of Fisheries Law No. 1380. Acta Natura et Scientia, 3(2), pp. 214-225.

Chicago 16th edition
Kaya, Huseyin Baris and Mehmet Fatih Can (2022). "Characterization of Fisheries Violations From the Türkiye’s Mediterranean Coasts Within the Scope of Fisheries Law No. 1380". Acta Natura et Scientia 3 (2):214-225. https://doi.org/10.29329/actanatsci.2022.352.12

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