Research article    |    Open Access
Acta Natura et Scientia 2023, Vol. 4(2) 216-224

Biochemical Compositions in the Carcasses of Some Small-Sized Indigenous Fin-Fish Species (SIS)

Victoria Folakemi Akinjogunla & Binta Isyaku Usman

pp. 216 - 224   |  DOI:

Publish Date: December 28, 2023  |   Single/Total View: 44/287   |   Single/Total Download: 49/459


A total of 24 samples of 8 small-sized indigenous finfish species (SIS) from Ajiwa Irrigation dam were collected for biometric evaluation. The samples comprised 4 families and were analyzed for proximate compositions (muscle protein, moisture, lipid, ash and gross energy) as well as macro-nutrient compositions using standard procedures. The finfishes sampled ranged in size from 0.90-4.30 cm in length and 1.20-9.53 g in weight. The carcasses of these finfishes contained 17.1±0.15% muscle protein in Sarotherodon galileus and 22.05±0.08% muscle protein in Mormyrus rume. Moisture content ranged from 74.44±1.36% in Schilbe mystus to 78.67±0.2% in Clarias gariepinus while the values for total lipids ranged from 3.26±0.03% in S. galileus to 15.32±0.05% in Clarias anguillaris. The minimum and maximum mean values of ash found in M. rume and C. anguillaris were 2.25±0.02% and 3.71±0.12%, respectively. S. galileus recorded the lowest energy value (4.48±0.06 kcal/g) while S. mystus recorded the highest value (6.21±0.35 kcal/g). The average values of elements present in the flesh of the finfishes were as follows: Calcium (Ca) (41.2 mg/100g and 58.7 mg/100g), Phosphorous (P) (20.0 mg/100g and 27.0 mg/100g), Magnesium (Mg) (12.2 mg/100g and 16.7 mg/100g) and Sodium (Na) (5.1 mg/100g and 5.6 mg/100g). The results showed that Ca was the most abundant macro element present in the fish samples. Additionally, the results indicated that these indigenous finfishes, which are regularly consumed in the routine diets of rural dwellers in the surrounding communities of the Ajiwa irrigation dam have high nutrient values and are ideal for human and domesticated animal consumption despite their small sizes. This study provides current and baseline information on a broad range of species, which will assist nutritionists and the public in making informed decisions regarding the consumption of these species.

Keywords: Ajiwa Irrigation Dam, Calcium, Lipid, Moisture, Proximate composition, SIS, Sodium

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APA 7th edition
Akinjogunla, V.F., & Usman, B.I. (2023). Biochemical Compositions in the Carcasses of Some Small-Sized Indigenous Fin-Fish Species (SIS). Acta Natura et Scientia, 4(2), 216-224.

Akinjogunla, V. and Usman, B. (2023). Biochemical Compositions in the Carcasses of Some Small-Sized Indigenous Fin-Fish Species (SIS). Acta Natura et Scientia, 4(2), pp. 216-224.

Chicago 16th edition
Akinjogunla, Victoria Folakemi and Binta Isyaku Usman (2023). "Biochemical Compositions in the Carcasses of Some Small-Sized Indigenous Fin-Fish Species (SIS)". Acta Natura et Scientia 4 (2):216-224.

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