Acta Nat. Sci.   |  e-ISSN: 2718-0638

Acta Natura et Scientia 2022, Vol. 3(1) 59-69

Calculation of Residual Stress in Ships by the Method of the Fresnel Approximation

Semi̇h Öztürk & Mustafa Kurt

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  United States 34 82
Unknown 28 63
  Turkey 8 17
  Russian Federation 6 10
  India 6 7
  Singapore 3 4
  China 1 1
  South Korea 1 1
  Japan 1 1
  Germany 0 1
  Indonesia 0 1
  Austria 0 1
  Canada 0 1
  Egypt 0 1
  Hungary 0 1
  France 0 1
Total 16 countries