Research article    |    Open Access
Acta Natura et Scientia 2023, Vol. 4(2) 114-125

Impact of Different Nitrogen Sources and Concentrations on the Growth and Biochemical Structure of Lemna minor

Hatice Tekoğul, Hülya Eminçe Saygı, Aysun Kop, Yaşar Durmaz & Ayberk Bayrak

pp. 114 - 125   |  DOI:

Publish Date: August 14, 2023  |   Single/Total View: 84/398   |   Single/Total Download: 124/739


This study aimed to examine the impact of various nitrogen sources and concentrations on the growth and biochemical composition of Lemna minor. Specifically, three nitrogen sources, namely ammonium, nitrate, and urea, were utilized. These nitrogen sources were incorporated into the Hoagland nutrient medium at two different concentrations: 2500 µML^{-1} and 5000 µML^{-1}. The impact of various nitrogen concentrations on the biochemistry of L. minor, including the number of individuals, chlorophyll-a levels, carotene content, dry matter, and protein content was examined. The experimental results revealed that the 7th, 5th, and 6th groups exhibited the highest relative frond number, while no significant statistical difference (p>0.05) was observed between the 5000 µML^{-1} and 2500 µML^{-1} groups among all experimental groups. The 2nd, 7th, and 5th groups displayed the highest relative growth rate. The 4th group using NH_{4}-N as the source exhibited the highest total carotene and chlorophyll-a content. Although there were no significant differences in the dry matter and protein values of L. minor, the protein ratio was higher in the 3rd and 4th groups with NH_{4}-N as the source compared to the other groups. The results indicate that NO_{3} nitrogen is the most suitable nitrogen source for promoting the growth and biochemical composition of L. minor, as evidenced by an increase in relative frond number and relative growth. On the other hand, NH_{4} nitrogen showed favorable effects on protein, carotene, and chlorophyll-a content. Additionally, the experimental groups with a nitrogen concentration of 2500 µML^{-1} yielded better overall results. Interestingly, in terms of protein efficiency, it was observed that nitrogen concentrations played a more significant role than nitrogen sources, and groups with lower dilution rates exhibited superior outcomes.

Keywords: Lemna minor, Nitrogen sources, Concentration, Growth, Protein, Chlorophyll-a, Carotene

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APA 7th edition
Tekogul, H., Saygi, H.E., Kop, A., Durmaz, Y., & Bayrak, A. (2023). Impact of Different Nitrogen Sources and Concentrations on the Growth and Biochemical Structure of Lemna minor  . Acta Natura et Scientia, 4(2), 114-125.

Tekogul, H., Saygi, H., Kop, A., Durmaz, Y. and Bayrak, A. (2023). Impact of Different Nitrogen Sources and Concentrations on the Growth and Biochemical Structure of Lemna minor  . Acta Natura et Scientia, 4(2), pp. 114-125.

Chicago 16th edition
Tekogul, Hatice, Hulya Emince Saygi, Aysun Kop, Yasar Durmaz and Ayberk Bayrak (2023). "Impact of Different Nitrogen Sources and Concentrations on the Growth and Biochemical Structure of Lemna minor  ". Acta Natura et Scientia 4 (2):114-125.

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